April 5, 2015

The Authority of the King

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: The King's Speech Topic: Exposition Passage: Matthew 7:28–7:29

The King's Speech: The Authority of the King from Jacobs Well.

Review and Introduction


     The Power of Words


     The Power of God in Jesus

          Luke 24:1-6


The King Speaking


     So It Began

          Matthew 4:23-5:1


     The King's Speech


     So it Now Ends

          Matthew 7:28, 29


Breaking into the Normal


     Light Piercing the Darkness

          John 1:9-14


     The Risen Christ Changes Lives

          Romans 1:1-6


This is Jesus


Community Meditation


  • Read Romans 1:1-6 togetehr and list everything related to the gospel that you find there. What are some of the important elements to the gospel story represented here?
  • Was Jesus the Son of God before his resurrection? What does it mean for him to be declared the Son of God in power?
  • In light of the gospel and the resurrection of Jesus, what was the apostolic mission described here? How does this concur with the Great Commision Jesus gave as some of his last words to his friends and followers? Cross reference Matthew 28:18-20.


  • Why is teh promise of resurrection in the future adn th renewal of all things so central to us being "hopeful" in this world?
  • How can you remind yourself of what is eternal when this life feels so broken?


  • How will the apostolic mission discussed above go forward in every age? In what sense do you sense a responsibility for this mission?
  • What small part can you, your family, your MC, our church play in this? How so? Continue to think practically.

other sermons in this series

Mar 29


Foundation for the Good Fight

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Matthew 7:24–7:27 Series: The King's Speech

Mar 22


House Builders

Speaker: Dean Macke Passage: Matthew 7:24–7:27 Series: The King's Speech

Mar 15


Knowing Jesus

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Matthew 7:21–7:23 Series: The King's Speech