April 16, 2017

EASTER 2017: The Darkest Night/The Brightest Morning

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Easter 2017 Topic: Exposition Passage: Luke 24:1–12


     The Fact of the Resurrection

     The Meaning of the Resurrection

     Our Response



  • Read aloud the text from Sunday (Luke 24:1-12). What do you remember most from the teaching on Sunday? Discuss what stood out as you read through the passage this time.
  • Is there anything about this past weekend that you found especially meaningful? Why so?
  • Read 1 Corinthians 15:16-19. Do you entirely resonate with Paul’s argument in these verses? Why or why not? Discuss your current understanding of the meaning of the resurrection. Share ideas about why Jesus had to rise again.


  • Would you say you’ve ever personally encountered the grace, love and/or person of Jesus? Describe that experience and the impact it had on you.
  • What do you find most compelling about the reality of “new creation”? Does the promise of a new world impact how you live each day? If so, how? If not, should it be otherwise?


  • Pray as those who aren’t “looking for the living among the dead.” Pray as though Jesus was actually present in the room and desiring to be encountered even right now. What would you say to him, what would you ask of him, if that reality was tangible to you?

other sermons in this series

Apr 14


The Darkest Night: Good Friday 2017

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Luke 23:44–49 Series: Easter 2017

Apr 9


The Glorious Restraint of Jesus

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Mark 11:1–11 Series: Easter 2017