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Reading the gospel of Mark in its narrative form

An introduction to the Gospel of Mark

Richard and Sundar discuss death and the coming reality of eternity

In our world human beings struggle deeply with various fears, concerns and anxieties. This essay is a brief discussion of these things and how they are related to our trust in God.

Jesus Christ is the most unique figure in all of human history. He was fully God and fully human in one person.

Why the judgment of God is right and good and why we must understand this in order to grasp the significance of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Looking at the teaching of Scripture regarding the use and abuse of alcohol

The Old Testament cleanliness codes point forward to the coming Christ who would sanctify a people for himself. Jesus is crucified outside of the camp to bring people to God and call us forward in sacrificial mission.

Looking at the identity of Jesus and how we encounter him in the gospels...

A look at the historical reality of the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth